What I do

For more than twelve years I try to make the WordPress ecosystem at least a tiny bit better. During that time a lot of different projects were started and at least the most important ones should be mentioned on this page.

WP Letter

The WP Letter is a weekly email newsletter (in German). Curated by me, the Letter gets delivered every monday containing the most important news and updates for the week.

wpletter.de, @wpletter

WP Jobboard

WP Jobboard connects employers and WordPress professionals through high quality job listings.



KrautPress is a blog all about WordPress, the WordPress community and the entire WP ecosystem. From time to time KrautPress.de is able to make some noise in the German community. In the near future we plan to launch an English version as well.

krautpress.de, @KrautPress

PressWerk Podcast

The PressWerk is the oldest, still active germanophone WordPress podcast. In a series of quite personal interviews I try to not only meet interesting people but also get their voices heard and stories told.

presswerk.net, @presswerk


The Pluginkollektiv is a group of remarkable people (and me), founded in 2015. Their mission is to foster a couple of popular plugins like Antispam Bee and Statify. In early 2017 I had the honor to join the group.

pluginkollektiv.org, @pluginkollektiv

WP Meetup Stuttgart

The local meetup in Meetup is around Sinne late 2013. I’m a member since 2014 and soon started co-organizing the monthly meetings. In 2019 we held our first WordCamp.

wp0711.de, @wp0711


We use wpmeetups.de not only to list al German WordPress meetups, but also to aggregate a list of a upcomming dates and display them in a unified interface.

wpmeetups.de, @wpmeetups


Epiphyt is a friendly neigbourhood plugin company. We startet it, to further the development of our Impressum (a fun little project to make sure, websites comply with German law). Today Epiphyt a home for a couple of our plugins.

epiph.yt, @epiphyt